Quality Education For All And Civil Society Involvement
Universal Quality Education for All
Provide high quality education for all Gambians from kindergarten through College or University in the quest to build a community of sovereign citizens, whose sense of belonging to a community of Gambian nationals will be put above other identities; And who take it as a duty to give to the community what it requires to safeguard the liberty, dignity and prosperity of all.
Civil Society Scrutiny of Governance and Public Administration
Construct a Governance environment involving people organised into civil associations to serve as social auditors who will scrutinise, criticise and restrain tendency towards misrepresentation, bad governance, mismanagement and impunity on one hand, and on the other, serve as the ears, eyes and mouths of the people who will speak truth to the authorities in defence of legitimate individual and public interest.
Promote Good Neighbourliness and Sense of Community
Promote strong community relations as a means of preventing alienation and its attendant problem of crime and harmful social behaviour. Ensure every member of the community, young and old is fully informed to contribute their quota to nation building.