Our Vision: The Gambia We Can Build Together

PDOIS aims to facilitate the building of a Secular, Democratic, Sovereign Republic with each citizen serving in equal measure as a depository of the Sovereignty of the Republic.

Economic Prosperity
Human Rights
Cultural Revolution
International Relations

Quality Education for All and Civil Society Involvement

Provide high quality education for all Gambians from kindergarten through College or University in the quest to build a community of sovereign citizens, whose sense of belonging to a community of Gambian nationals will be put above other identities.

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Economic Prosperity & Job Security

To eradicate an economy with a narrow capital, investment, production and taxation base, by focusing on prospecting and harnessing minerals, oil and other resources which are sources of Sovereign National Wealth for public sector use in promoting infrastructural development, sustainable and timely loan repayment scheme, and the provision of social services.

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Human Rights & Justice

Enact a Freedom of Information Act to remove secrecy from public administration and make administrators accountable to the public they serve, and responsive to enquiries of the media that are supposed to keep people informed. Establish a National Council of Media Practitioners as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism and a means to promote professionalism in media practice.

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A Third Republic for a New Beginning

Ensure that all instruments, institutions and normative practices associated with governance, are designed to affirm and consolidate the sovereignty of the citizen, protect and enlarge the liberty, dignity and prosperity of all.

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A Cultural Revolution in Diversity and Gambianism

Promote and preserve cultural heritages that enhance human dignity, self-worth, liberty and prosperity and thus fuse identities and values originating from diverse cultural backgrounds into identity and values of Sovereign Community of Sovereign Gambian citizens in a Republic.

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International Relations and Regional Integration

PDOIS aims to give concrete expression to the aspiration to transform the world into a universal home for human kind, where each nation, big or small, will cooperate, and sub regions and continents will establish Communities of states, and even federations, that will co-exist with similar entities, in the spirit of good neighbourliness, equality and mutual interest, and provide to each sovereign person enjoyment of civil, political, economic, social, cultural and ecological rights.

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Seven Pillars of PDOIS Manifesto Summary

A Summary of this Manifesto, the Transformative Agenda 2021, is the will and testament of all those who stand for System Change in the 2021 Presidential Election.
The Manifesto has seven components, which are central to and indispensable in effecting System Change with unalloyed thoroughness. The seven engines of holistic, self-reliant, self- determined and sustainable development are the political, economic, social, civil, cultural, ecological and external relations pillars of development.


Become A Volunteer

Donate to the People's Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism to help elect PDOIS candidates nationwide. The presidential election is almost here, and there’s no time to waste: We must come together to elect a PDOIS President to deliver the progress our country needs.


We are convinced that the ideas we have is what constitutes the system change that will change this country and that is why we are here to share those ideas.

  • Economy,Jobs & Security;
  • Education & Civil Participation;
  • Transition for a New Beginning;
  • Human Rights & Justice;
  • Cultural Diversity & Gambianism;
  • International & Regional Integration;


We are convinced that an economy that relies entirely on importing everything that we are consuming is not sustainable. Look at the basis of our importation on rice alone and you will see exactly what we are talking about. What we are producing in terms of rice is 67,000 tonnes what we need for consumption which we mostly import is 200,000 tonnes. Currently, the bill on rice alone is over 2 billion dalasis and we are capable of producing rice. It means that if we produce the rice that we are importing we will be putting 2 billion dalasis annually in the hands of our producers. This is a fact. How do we enhance production is a fundamental question of system change.

A New Gambian

Who is that New Gambian? It is that Gambian who is conscious that he or she is an embodiment of the sovereignty of the land. It is that Gambian who is conscious that no other Gambian is embodied with a higher degree of sovereignty than he or she is embodied; it is that Gambian who is conscious that he or she is equal in sovereignty with all other Gambians irrespective of gender, religion, ethnolinguistic origin, birth, etc.; that New Gambia will be conscious of being in a nation – united with everybody and seeking to ensure that each lives for all and all live for each. That is the Gambian who can bring about a New Gambia.

Why Vote For Us?

Democracy is about information; without it there cannot be decision making adding that many people claim that PDOIS has an ideology and they attribute that ideology to many countries in the world and they attribute success or failure of PDOIS based on their notions.

Ideologies – the study of ideas is not what anybody who truly understands the science of society will attribute to this or that group. Society embodies facts. Facts we have to study scientifically to understand before we can map out which direction society should take to be able to eradicate poverty, tyranny and degradation that we sought to combat.

Want to Join Us?

Under the current government, under the past two governments there is the ocean with all the marine life but what they have been doing is granting license to a few companies to fish and take away all the fishing products and process it and then send it back to our homeland – we become the consumers. We are saying that system cannot sustain development. We are saying therefore that you must have a Fisheries Corporation that is publicly owned that invests resources to buy fishing vessels – trawlers that will go out at sea, ensure that Gambians become captains, become sailors, work, sell the fish abroad, gain foreign exchange, process it on Gambian soil and generate employment. We are convinced that our marine life can ensure employment for our citizens and eradicate poverty in our country. That is our policy – that is socialism. It is to build the productive public base, the productive economic base and ensure that it serves the entire people and consequently eradicate their poverty.

Soundcloud PDOIS Gambia

Watch Out for Our Campaign Updates

PDOIS Election Campaign 2021

2 Dec
Election Campaign

PDOIS Election Campaign

1 Dec
Election Campaign

PDOIS Election Campaign

9 Nov
Election Campaign

PDOIS Election Campaign

30 Nov
Election Campaign

PDOIS Election Campaign

29 Nov
Election Campaign

PDOIS Election Campaign

28 Nov
Election Campaign

PDOIS Election Campaign

2 Dec
Election Campaign

PDOIS Election Campaign

1 Dec
Election Campaign

PDOIS Election Campaign

9 Nov
Election Campaign

PDOIS Election Campaign

30 Nov
Election Campaign

PDOIS Election Campaign

29 Nov
Election Campaign

PDOIS Election Campaign

28 Nov
Election Campaign

PDOIS Election Campaign

Watch Out for Our

Upcoming Event

29 Jan
27 Nov
29 Jan


27 Nov

Welcoming of Hon.


News Updates


Chapters Around the World

“We are talking about system change because what we are saying has not happened yesterday and is not happening now and we have not seen any political party that has articulated precisely what we are articulating. That is why the agenda that we have –is the agenda we are promoting to be the agenda that can eradicate the poverty of our people and enhance development. PDOIS emerged to eradicate poverty and that is why we develop policies that are capable of addressing poverty. Today we are convinced that the ideas we have is what constitutes the system change that will change this country and that is why we are here to share those ideas,…”

Raising funds to help elect the next President of the Gambia Honorable Halifa Sallah.



Phone: +220 982 8911
Email :  info@pdois.org
Address: No: 1 Sambou Street, Churchill’s Town,
Serrekunda, KMC, The Gambia

Copyright ©2021-2022. People's Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism (PDOIS). All Rights Reserved.