Party Structure
People's Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism (PDOIS)
The General Assembly of Party Members – is the highest decision making organ of the party. It constitutes all members of the party. It meets in special sessions as occasion requires such as the dissolution of the party and other emergency matters.
The Congress – is the second highest decision making organ of the party. It composes of delegates elected by the various branches of the party. Its functions include electing and recalling officers of the various organs of the party.
The Central Committee – is the highest working body of the party, it shapes the policies and programs of the party.
The National Assembly Committee – comprises of all members of the National Assembly who are elected under the sponsorship of the party.
The Political Bureau – is the policy making organ of the Central Committee. Its functions include policy research and the mapping out of plans for the development of the party machinery.
The Organizing Bureau – is the organizing and mobilizing arm of the Central Committee. Its work includes the facilitation of the creation of support organizations and the development of arts and sports.
The Information Bureau – is the publicity arm of the party. its functions include the investigation and dissemination of information on behalf of the party.
The Bureau on Women and Children Affairs – is the arm of the party responsible for the promotion of gender and child development issues.
The Bureau on International Affairs – is the arm of the party responsible for the maintenance of relations with international organizations. Its work includes the coordination of the party’s relation with Gambians living abroad.
The Youth Bureau – is responsible for the development of Youth programs to involve the youth in the administrative life of the country.
The Secretariat – is the administrative and coordinating arm of the Central Committee. Its work includes the upkeep of records of all meetings, files and other activities of the party.
The Committee on Finance – is the financial and accounting arm of the party. its function includes the management and planning of the finances of the party.
Party Branches – constitutes the extension arms of the party. They are formed and constituted by members of the party in their various localities.