A Cultural Revolution In Diversity And Gambianism - People's Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism (PDOIS)


A Cultural Revolution in Diversity and Gambianism

Uphold and Promote Our Progressive Cultural Values
Promote and preserve cultural heritages that enhance human dignity, self-worth, liberty and prosperity and thus fuse identities and values originating from diverse cultural backgrounds into identity and values of Sovereign Community of Sovereign Gambian citizens in a Republic.

Promote a National Cultural Identity
Combat vestiges of prejudices emanating from ethno-linguistic origins, monarchical and caste systems, religious prejudices, gender stereotypes and other practices which undermine the integrity of a sovereign person in particular and diverse groups in general.

Cultural Preservation and Artistic Development at Village, National Level
Establish a house of culture in each village, district, region and urban centre for artistic and other cultural expressions, in order to promote appreciation of each other’s origins and ensure respect for the upholding of republican and democratic values and ways of life of a Sovereign people.










Phone: +220 982 8911
Email :  info@pdois.org
Address: No: 1 Sambou Street, Churchill’s Town,
Serrekunda, KMC, The Gambia

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