The Gambia We Can Build Together
Our Mission
Endeavours to complete the first phase of the struggle for National Liberation and Independence by building a self-reliant economy aimed at linking raw material production with processing and putting Public, Private, cooperatives and micro finance at the service of the productive base, and to particularly harness adequate Sovereign National Wealth from mineral and other resources to build a Sovereign Republic capable of standing on its own and in mutual solidarity with other nations, eradicate poverty and ensure a life of liberty and dignity in prosperity and sustainable development.
Endeavours to undertake the second phase of National Liberation aimed at consolidating the sovereignty of the people by eradicating vestiges of monarchical traditions and self-perpetuating rule, consolidate the authority of the Sovereign community of citizens by ensuring inclusive and participatory governance through involving people organised into civil associations to serve as social auditors who will scrutinise, criticise and restrain tendencies towards misrepresentation, bad governance, mismanagement and impunity on one hand, and on the other, to serve as the ears, eyes and mouths of the people who will speak truth to the authorities in defence of legitimate individual and public interests, and mobilise the active participation of people in managing National Affairs.