Site icon People’s Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism (PDOIS)


Please be informed that the Central Committee of the party is to meet on Saturday and Sunday, 29th-30th January respectively to make decisions and pass resolutions, on major issues .The Central Committee will consider all applications for membership and pass a resolution on ensuring rapid results in the consideration of membership applications. It will consider the statement of accounts of the Presidential Elections and take note of the decisions made by Constituencies on candidature for National Assembly Elections and other connected matters.

Attached under the cover of this memorandum is the letter addressed to the Central Committee members:

Dear members,


                                29th -30th January 2021  

This is to convey to you that the second Regular Session of the Central Committee as required by Article 24 of the party Constitution, is scheduled for Saturday, 29th January 2021, at 10am sharp, at the PDOIS Headquarters; Accommodation, meals and transportation is the responsibility of the party.

The proposed agenda for adoption is as follows:

  1. Opening Remarks by Chairperson
  2. Introduction of Members
  3. Minutes and matters arising
  4. Statement by the Secretary General
  5. On the state of operationalisation of party institutions

Achievements, Prospects, Challenges and the Way forward.

  1. Building the party for the implementation of the transformative agenda?

Opening the Debate on the future of the party


 NB: The members should be informed that PDOIS became a party that dwells on programmatic policy issues out of historical experience. Contrary to the claim that President Jawara left a stigma on PDOIS that has affected its acceptance by the population,  Jawara’s first comments were responded to at Sam Jack Terrace by the Secretary General, by revealing facts about the President’s life that were very personal and damaging. When that happened all those who meant well must have advised Jawara not to engage PDOIS. He never did again. PDOIS was also advised that if it wanted to make a difference in politics, it should not sway away from issues of national interest. This has paid unquantifiable dividend.

We hope the subscribers to the growing fora established by PDOIS members will heed the lessons of history and dwell on debate on issues with respect and goodwill, as befits a people sharing a common destiny.

Change for the better is a law of development. Nothing in this world is stagnant. It is for us to determine whether change will be a byproduct of antagonistic contradictions that require, enmity, rupture and the uprooting of an existing order or a resultant of non-antagonistic contradictions that require dialogue, critical appraisal and resolutions for smooth transformation and revitalisation of an existing order.

What is the way forward? This should be a subject of debate. The party is very much ready for this debate. What is necessary is to do so, as well-meaning owners of the party, and not as adversaries aiming for each other’s juggler vein.


Secretary General

14TH January 2022

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